德国银杉蓄电池 & 北京路盛电源设备有限公司

  德国银杉蓄电池 & 北京路盛电源设备有限公司

  DETA dryflex Akkumulatorenwerk GmbH began producing various types of industrial batteries in 1942 and is renowned in the market for its product quality and reliability. Currently, we have 13 factories and branches in Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, China, the European Union, and other places, with 3600 employees. In 2005, our global sales reached 570 million euros, and DETA dryflex is one of the manufacturers with the widest range of products and the strongest production capacity.

  Product Pyramid

  Backup battery: open VEL, high-power VEG, colloidal OPZV, communication VEH

  Power battery: EPzS, EPzB

  DETA dryflex has the most advanced hardware - fully automated assembly line, and the best software - an internal training team. The marketing department, research department, and production department work closely together to elevate their products to the forefront of the international power market.

  北京路盛电源设备有限公司成立于2016年,是专业从事后备电源和移动式机械电源动力电池的技术开发和产品销售的企业。为了满足客户大电流、短时间在线充电要求,研发了新型产品,EV系列磷酸铁锂(LiFePO4)动力电池及配套在线式智能充电站。 具有齐全的电池产品线:吸附式(AGM)蓄电池,胶体(OPZV)蓄电池,高倍率(HR)蓄电池,叉车(PzS PzB)蓄电池,动力电源(AGV)蓄电池,(EV)磷酸铁锂电池,(LPC)在线式智能充电站。使用案例:风电场、水力发电、水钢、国能、热电厂、电力、水电站、AGV 制造商、船舶等!王泽龙、致力于工业电力储能行业!进出口贸易! 王泽龙 182 1045 0914